Sobre Nuestro Projeto
Our project “Why They Leave” aims to dispel the the misconception that all immigrants come to the United States solely for the opportunity the United States provides. In reality many immigrants are simply fleeing unbearable or life threatening situations in their home countries. This project illustrates a handful of powerful examples of this phenomenon.
Sobre las Herramientas
Allthe tools we used were free tools available to the public.
- (open source)
- MapBox
- Timeline.js
- Datawrapper
- Juxtapose.js
Sobre la Información
All of the charts and graphs we used are available in embeddedable format at The source data and notes about it’s orgins is also available here
More maps, graphics and other resources available here.
Sobre nuestro Equipo
Lancé en 2007 par les laboratoires et les pharmacies. Madrid comprar levitra en sin receta en chile.